
The primary focus is detailed case discussions with interaction between all participants and faculty.

We will cover airway and ventilation issues, haemodynamic instability and cardiac arrest, neuroprotection, sepsis and trauma in adult and paediatric patients. We won’t skip the basics (since we believe most of good critical care is the basics done well), but  we go well beyond them to discuss the nuance and complexity of real patient situations, and what each of us does to fill the gaps in evidence.

We will invite all course participants to submit their own cases for discussion. Cases that we can all learn from. Often these are the cases that didn’t go so well. Cases that left us feeling bad afterwards.  As a team we will attempt to dissect the clinical and human factors elements that could have gone better, and offer actionable strategies to help us all do better next time. It won’t be compulsory to submit such a case, but it is encouraged.

Case discussions will alternate with brief presentations by the faculty, in which they will present their ‘solutions’ to various clinical and non-clinical daily work and career challenges, from leading teams, to hiring the best staff, to navigating literature and #FOAMEd, to reflecting and improving, to balancing clinical work with academic research, to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Fun games and quizzes are also planned, as is physically moving around and getting fresh air. None of your faculty are able to sit still in a stuffy room for hours so we don’t expect you to.

Cliff, Nat, Karel, and Libby  want this to be the best, most practice-changing and re-invigorating course you’ve ever done.

If you require a detailed program for study leave application, view and download the provisional program below:

Resuscitology Program

Register for our April course here, our July (Fiji) course here and our November course here

Cost, locations and registration details here

The art and science of saving lives